The company "Planungsbüro Schneider" has been foundet in the year 2006 and counts seven employes at the moment.

Head office is located in Lienz (Osttirol) and sub offices are located near to Oberwart (Burgenland) and in Gisingen (Vorarlberg).

We are internationally active in steel- and plant construction planning.

In 2010 we extendet the team with a structural engineer. Thus we are able to handle projects inhouse without further interfaces.

Our service also includes static pre-calculation, detail  static as well as answers in constructive static questions.

Our development tool is a 3D construction software which is fully compatibel with CAD and static software like AutoCAD, ProSteel or Scia.


Examples for static calculations

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Berechnungen im Anlagenbau
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Berechnungen im Hallenbau
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Silo Berechnungen
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Bunker Berechnungen